Cadillacs and dinosaurs mame rom
Cadillacs and dinosaurs mame rom



For this game though, we have an on-rails shooter where you spend six levels driving the famous red car from the movie and the final three in a minecart! I already mentioned the Capcom arcade title, this was a fantastic Final Fight style beat em up game. Where Are The Dinosaurs?įor a game that has dinosaurs in the title, Cadillacs, And Dinosaurs: The Second Cataclysm has a real lack of them in the main game. Is it great? Well no it is not, but as someone who enjoyed the show as a kid, I can appreciate what they did here. As far as using FMV on the Sega CD goes, I feel that this game actually does it better than many give it credit for. The story follows the show pretty well, has voice acting and there is quite a lot of cut scenes that move the story forward. In all fairness, I feel that Cadillacs And Dinosaurs: The Second Cataclysm for the Sega CD is a pretty good-looking game. I am not here to get on the Sega CD for its FMV quality.


Based on the TV series (and lesser extent, comic book) this is not a home port of the awesome Capcom arcade beat em up. This was actually put out by Sega themselves which makes it interesting and is probably also making some of your sad right now. The visuals in the actual game are decent enough, they have a cell-shaded style to them and even with the rather modest color pallet of the Sega CD/Genesis the game is fairly easy on the eyes.Ĭadillacs And Dinosaurs for the Sega CD or as it is better known, Cadillacs And Dinosaurs: The Second Cataclysm is a rather interesting title for the Sega CD. There is the odd dinosaur here and there, but you really do not see much. I say this because there is a severe lack of dinosaurs in this game, the biggest enemies are things like trees and rocks. I feel like Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park, “you do actually have dinosaurs, in your dinosaur video game, don’t you?” is what he would say. However, at least that game had some actual dinosaurs in it. I really should not compare this to the Capcom game of the same name as it is kind of unfair. Especially when it comes to games that use an animated art style. However, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs I feel has some of the best FMV on the system. We all know that when it comes to FMV, the Sega CD is not the best. I say that because the story is made up of FMV from the show. A vous de juger!īref, un bon jeu de combat à jouer à plusieurs, avec de très beaux graphismes, de nombreux ingrédients, et le style d'un bon "Street of Rage" essayez-le je, ne peux que vous donner ce conseil.The best thing about this game is the story that it tells. On notera l'apparition de "Bludge" un des méchants qui ressemble très étonnamment à "Blanka" de la série "Street Fighter" ajoutez à ça une musique qui est du même cru que le dit jeu.


bref! Un big carnage!ĭe plus les dits méchants ne font qu'ennuyer les gentils dinosaures verts qui deviennent fous de rage et eux aussi quand ils ont changés de couleurs tellement ils sont en colères s'acharnent contre vous! Le fou professeur a réussi à relier à sa cause tous les truands de toutes les bandes comme à Chicago pour vous empêcher de l'empêcher. Tout ceci afin de devenir le maître du monde. Vous éclatez tout ce qui bouge dans le but de sauver la planète de la folie du professeur Fessenden (qui ça?) qui a inventé un nouveau procédé permettant de faire à partir de gènes de dinosaures, des mutants mi-hommes mi-dinosaures (c'est assez logique!). ScummVM Bios (toutes machines) Abandonwareĭescription:Un jeu de baston! encore? Oui mais dans un monde à demi jurassien! Besoin d'aide ? Foire aux Roms Arcade CPS1įinal Burn Alpha Arcade Megadrive PC-Engine TurboGrafx16 SuperGrafx Flippers PinMAME

Cadillacs and dinosaurs mame rom